Israel’s greatest King, David, began life in obscurity. Even his family, it seems, considered him of little account. Nevertheless, God had big plans for this young man: He had singled him out for greatness. God is still in the business of turning nobody’s into somebody’s. Rejoin Pastor Grant now as he brings the rest of his message, “Becoming a Person of Destiny.”
Pastor Brian Grant continues in the experiences of the children of Israel as they moved into their inheritances in the Promised Land, bringing out how we often can base success on what we can do in our own strength rather than placing complete confidence in God’s ability.
Israel’s greatest King, David, began life in obscurity. Even his family, it seems, considered him of little account. Nevertheless, God had big plans for this young man: He had singled him out for greatness. God is still in the business of turning nobody’s into somebody’s. Rejoin Pastor Grant now as he brings the rest of his message, “Becoming a Person of Destiny.”