Living God’s Way-Audio

Perhaps life has delivered some severe blows that have left you damaged and fearful. This evening, Pastor Brian Grant is bringing a message of hope, because the God we adore is a God that specializes in bringing beauty from ashes.
This world has rejected God’s Word in so many ways, including the matter of finances. Listen with us as Pastor Grant brings to a conclusion his message, listing three biblical life principles, taken from the text of 1st Timothy 6, that can defeat the world’s mistaken ideas about money and wealth, and enable the Believer to enjoy the peace of handling money God’s way.
“Money makes the world go round.” Maybe you’ve heard that expression. No doubt, money is important. But with many false ideas about money and wealth infecting even the Christian Church, in his message this evening, Pastor Brian Grant will bring the balance of Scripture into the conversation.
Pastor George Peters emphasized, from the evidence of scripture, how it is that doing church God’s way is the only way: it must inform our every decision and our every action as God’s People work together in community.
Pastor George Peters emphasizes, from the evidence of scripture, how it is that doing Church God’s way is the only way; it must inform our every decision and our every action as God’s people work together in community.
We invite you to turn with us again to 1st Timothy chapter 4 and listen as Dr. Thomas picks up his message and takes it to its conclusion.
Using 1st Timothy chapter 4 as his main text, Dr. Thomas brings a message highlighting three things that must characterize the ministry of the Lord’s servant if he or she is to do ministry God’s way.
We invite you to turn with us to 1st Timothy and listen as Pastor Grant completes his message, “Three Essentials of a Biblical Church.”
Pastor Brian Grant begins a new series on “Doing Church God’s Way.” So listen with us as Pastor Grant brings the first part of his initial message in this new series entitled, “Three Essentials of a Biblical Church.”
“Be still, and KNOW that I Am God!” Pastor Grant shows how this profound and simple truth is a call to surrender our anxieties to Him and find the peace that He alone can give.
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