Living God’s Way-Audio

The institution of marriage is under assault today like never before. Many marriages are in chaos and breaking up even within the Christian community. Pastor Brian Grant brings clarity to the situation through a series of messages that offers hope that can only come from God’s Word, the Bible.
Join Pastor Grant as he brings to a conclusion his message, “Blessings of Our Anointing.”
Pastor Brian Grant will bring a message that will offer clarity from Scripture, showing how God’s anointing is the constant reality of every Christian life. What is often missing is the power of that enjoyment.

Living in Sync with God, Pt. 2

September 8, 2024
Pastor Brian Grant brings the second part of his message explaining that, in spite of the wreckage his sin brought to his life, David became one of God’s great champions because he was in tune with God and His purposes.

Living in Sync with God, Pt. 1

September 1, 2024
Some people wonder how David can be called “A man after God’s Own Heart” when he had committed such great sins? Quoting Chuck Swindoll, Pastor Brian Grant said, that was “because he was in sync with God.” What does that mean? Pastor Grant will shed the light of scripture on what it means to be in sync with God.
Listen with us as Pastor Grant concludes his message, “Finishing Strong.”
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that, in his race to the finish, he will face increasingly difficult times, and to win out over those difficult times, he will need to finish strong. This is the topic of Pastor Brian Grant’s message.
The message we will hear from Pastor Brian Grant is filled with hope and confidence for those who are using the shortness of time to re-double their efforts to fulfill their mission for Christ.
The apostle Paul warns how unusually difficult times will face the Church of Jesus Christ as the Rapture draws near. But Pastor Grant assures, from scripture, those truly building on the ROCK need never fear the circumstances.
Re-join us as Pastor Grant continues his message, “Pursuing Victory;” three key requirements to pursuing our victory.