Living God’s Way-Audio

Pastor Grant shows us how modern saints, though suffering painful and discouraging setbacks as did David, can take courage from the ways in which David strengthened himself and set himself up for a dramatic comeback.
Listen to the second part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message entitled, "What in The World Is Going On?".
Pastor Brian Grant takes us to Psalm 2 which illuminates what’s behind the rampant chaos that describes our world of today.
Listen to the concluding part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message, “How to Speak to Your Children About Gender Issues.”
Pastor Brian Grant offers three points, based on God’s unchangeable Word, that must be taught to our children if they are to have a chance at withstanding the lies of the Devil.
The first of three reasons why the Church is critically important today is because the Message of the Cross is the only message of salvation. This evening, we will hear two more reasons why the Church is critically important today.
No question: The pandemic has put a hurting on church attendance. But, as many churches struggle back toward pre-pandemic levels of church attendance, there is a larger, more threatening issue afoot. Polls show that many folks no longer think the church is important in today’s context. Pastor Brian Grant gives three reasons why the church is, indeed, critically important for today.
Pastor Brian Grant picks up his message about three ladies of problematic background that are nevertheless recorded as ancestors of Jesus.
Perhaps life has delivered some severe blows that have left you damaged and fearful. This evening, Pastor Brian Grant is bringing a message of hope, because the God we adore is a God that specializes in bringing beauty from ashes.
Pastor Brian Grant brings the concluding part of his message begun last week, in which he explores answers to these divisive questions from a biblical perspective, by developing four facts about true reproductive freedom that must guide the conduct of believers in this permissive world.
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